Do you know that our body can be a good indicator of our health?
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), each individual can be classified into four different body types : Neutral, Phlegm-Dampness, Qi-Stagnation and Qi-Deficient. The body type of each individual may change over time. The changes in our body inner condition will effect how we feel and behave, and how our body responds to causes of illness.
Let's see what is your body type !
1. NEUTRAL : You are an individual who has an energetic manner and has the ability to adapt to a new environment. It means you have a good congenital foundation and your body functions well, physically and mentally.
2. PHLEGM-DAMPNESS : You are the type of individual who experiences excessive sweating. You are also overweight with a tummy and have heavy limbs. It is due to a sluggish metabolism that may be related to weak lungs, spleen or kidney system.
3. QI- STAGNATION : You are an individual that is under mental stress. You may have frequent chest palpitations and are susceptible to insomnia and depression. This condition may easily disturb the liver's regulatory function and affect the inner body activities.
4. QI-DEFICIENT : You are the type of individual who is inefficient in production of vital energy. It leads to a weak gas exchange in the lung, which causes you to have spontaneous sweating and getting tired easily.
Brieftly, QI is known as the "vital energy" of the body. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, QI is the vital substance conswtituting the human body and contains many functions such as promoting, warming, defending, consolidating and retaining
What does Qi do to your body ?
1. PROMOTING : Qi promotes the formation and circulation of blood and supports the metabolism of body fluid.
2. WARMING : Qi warms the body and keeps it at a constant temperature so normal physiological functions can take place.
3. DEFENDING : Qi defending function acts like the immune system.
4. CONSOLIDATING AND RETAINING : Qi does not only promote blood circulation and the distribution of body fluids, but it also controls and adjusts the secretion of fluid substances.
What are the natural food that are commonly used in Qi tonic ?
There are many great options for an instant energy upgrade that may assist in helping our body to achieve a neutral body and lead towards a healthy lifestyle.
Fresh fruits,vegetables and beneficial mushrooms are the most common food that helps in boosting energy to our body.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Cordyceps sinensis, Ganoderma (Lingzhi/ Reishi) and Poria cocos are the common Qi type mushroom that can be used to make a Qi tonic. Benefits of Cordyceps sinensis and Ganoderma are already well known nowadays compared to Poria cocos. But, do you know there are about 10% of medicinal preparations in the 2000 Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China that contain Poria ( Fu-ling )?
Let's explore Poria cocos !
Poria cocosis a mushroom / fungus which usually grows on pine trees and is also known as "Poria" , "Fu-ling", "Tuckahoe", "India Bread" and "Hoelen". In ancient times, Poria cocos was called " Four Seasons Magic Pill", not only because of it's suitability to be consumed any time and at any season ( no four seasons limitation). Poria cocos is traditionally used as a Qi tonic to benefits the internal organs. Poria cocos has significant immune enhancing abilities, similar to the other mushrooms in the tonic class. Poria cocos has also been used for "draining dampness", soothing insomnia, balancing the electrolytes and invigorating the spleen in modern medication.

Poria cocos is the best choice in order to get a neutral body type and also help in boosting and strengthening your body's defense system.